West Gate Bridge Full Closure

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6th October 2010, 07:57pm - Views: 1300
West Gate Bridge Full Closures

For the first time since construction, the West Gate Bridge will be completely closed to traffic in each direction from 11pm to 4.30am on Tuesday 12 October and Tuesday 19 October.

The lane closures are required for the erection of four gantries spanning the entire width of the Bridge which form part of the freeway management system.

The West Gate Bridge is being strengthened to deliver five lanes of traffic in each direction. The strengthening project is part of the M1 Upgrade which includes the installation of the state of the art freeway management system along the 75km M1 route.

Two detour routes for the Bridge closure are planned and motorists are advised to allow for an additional 15 minutes of travel time.

Detour routes available on www.m1upgrade.com.au

The works are weather dependent and will be transferred to Wednesday 13 October and Wednesday 20 October if weather affected.


Media enquiries:
Anne Learmonth
0400 424 353

SOURCE: VicRoads

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