Whittley Upgrades To Volvo Penta

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24th November 2009, 12:39pm - Views: 1085

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Whittley Marine, 99 Freight Drive, Somerton 3062, Victoria, Australia

A Whittley CR2380 with a Volvo Penta 4.3 GXi

V6 (top) is the first new Volvo Penta-powered

Whittley. Top models such as the CR2600

(above) boast Volvo Penta V8 power.

24 November 2009 


         WM 0903

Whittley upgrades to Volvo Penta

Two of the most respected names in the marine

industry have teamed up again.

Whittley Marine has returned to its roots to adopt

Volvo Penta gasoline and diesel propulsion systems

for its range of Whittley Cruisers, Sea Legend and

Clearwater models.

Every Whittley sterndrive now offers Volvo Penta

petrol power ranging from the 3.0GL up to the big-

block 8.1 litre V8, all paired with a corresponding

Volvo single (SX) or duo prop (DP) drive, with diesel

as an option.

Jim Whittley, who founded the company in 1953,

used Volvo Penta engines in the 1960s and 1970s

after Volvo Penta pioneered sterndrive petrol and diesel engines in 1959.

Volvo Penta Oceania General Manager Auke Bruinsma welcomed the renewed relationship

with Whittley, which is now owned and run by Jim’s sons Neville and Steven.

"Volvo Penta is very pleased to be the preferred supplier of sterndrive units to an Australian

icon brand like Whittley,” he said.

Whittley Co-Owner and Managing Director, Neville Whittley, said the move back to Volvo

Penta was a natural because both companies shared a commitment to the highest quality, the

latest technology and outstanding performance.

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Whittley Marine, 99 Freight Drive, Somerton 3062, Victoria, Australia

Tel: +61 3 8339 1800  Fax: +61 3 8339 1824  Website: www.whittleymarine.com

“We are proud of our long affiliation with Volvo Penta, and the superior engines and drive

systems they produce,” he said.

“We have come back to Volvo Penta because their range of stern drive marine propulsion

systems are smoother, quieter and better-performing than anything else available.

“They are ideally suited to our style of boat, as a Whittley boat powered by Volvo Penta leads

to a safer, easier and more pleasurable boating experience.

“Volvo Penta is the ideal powertrain partner for Whittley as we position our company to

build upon the range and reputation our family has built up over the past 56 years.”

... ends 

More information:

Neville Whittley, Whittley Marine

(03) 9358 9600

Andrew Nicholson, Volvo Penta Oceania

(07) 3726 1500


Media inquiries & images:

Greg Shoemark

0412 316 928

(03) 9898 5570


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