Young St Ta

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8th January 2010, 04:51pm - Views: 838

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8 JANUARY 2010 


Motorists are advised of changed traffic conditions on Young Street at Albury from

Monday 11 January to Saturday 20 March 2010 while the RTA carries out road work.

The RTA will close one of the northbound lanes on Young Street, between Dean and

Guinea Streets, while concrete slabs are replaced to improve the road surface. 

The work is currently scheduled to be carried out in stages as follows (weather


Young Street between Swift Street and Wilson Street from Monday 11 January to

Friday 5 March 2010 

Young Street between Dean Street and Swift Street from Monday 1 February to

Monday 8 March 2010

Young Street between Wilson Street and Guinea Street from Tuesday 2 March to

Saturday 20 March 2010

Work hours will be Monday to Friday from 7am to 6pm and Saturday from 7am to

1pm. Any work outside these hours will be restricted to site preparation and traffic


During the work: 

Temporary changed traffic arrangements will be in place at intersections with   

Young Street

No parking will be permitted within the vicinity of the work

Pedestrians will continue to have access to designated crossings and footpath


Access to businesses will be retained at all times, with signage advising of any

changed accesses 

A reduced speed limit of 40kmh will apply during work hours and there will be

warning signs in place to alert motorists of changed traffic conditions. Motorists are

asked to follow all signs and proceed with caution through the work site.

The RTA thanks motorists for their patience while this essential maintenance work is

being carried out. For information about traffic conditions, motorists should contact

the RTA’s Traffic Information Line on 132 701.


RTA Media Unit   8588 5999

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