Aust Cricket Legends Reunite For Charity On Oriana

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29th October 2010, 04:17pm - Views: 1887

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Australian Cricket Legends Reunite on P&O Cruises Oriana for Charity

20 Metre-Wide Moustache on Ship to Mark Start of Movember

Some of Australia’s best-known cricket legends, including Richie Benaud and Neil Harvey, will reunite at

a special event on P&O Cruises’ Oriana to raise money for Movember in Sydney on Thursday, Nov 4.  

The reunion comes almost 40 years after the players, members of the 1961 cricket team, became the

last Australian cricketers to travel on a P&O Cruises’ ship to England for a Test Match series.

The 69,000-tonne Oriana will be sporting a 20-metre wide moustache below the ship’s bridge to mark

the event, with legendary moustache wearer and Movember Ambassador Max Walker also in


With Mark Taylor as MC, the charity lunch will feature a panel of 10 members of the 1961 team, who will

share their memories of travelling by sea to England in the pre-jumbo jet days.  

Attending cricket legends will include Richie Benaud, Neil Harvey, Bob Simpson, Alan Davidson, Brian

Booth, Frank Misson, Colin McDonald, Graham McKenzie, Barry Jarman and Lindsay Kline.

The event coincides with the launch of the Australian cricket season.  Movember is an official charity

partner of Cricket Cares, raising funds and awareness for men’s health.

Media are invited to attend a photo opportunity and press conference with the cricketers onboard Oriana

prior to the function.


10.45am, Thursday November 4


Oriana, Overseas Passenger Terminal, Circular Quay (enter from ground level and check

in at media desk) 


Australian cricket legends reunite for charity lunch. Pic opp and interviews in the ship’s

cricket nets and pic opp in front of the 20-metre wide charity moustache.

RSVP:  by 10am Monday November 1 with all security details as

below.  No names can be accepted or altered after this date.


For maritime security reasons, all media representatives must provide the following security

information with their RSVP in order to access the ship:  

• Full name

• Nationality

• Date of birth

• Driver’s licence or passport number and date of expiry

Media are also required to bring passport or licence ID with them on the day. 

Media contacts:

Libby Moffet/ Larissa Kaye/ Hannah le Coic   

MG Media Communications  

02 9904 0011/ 0418 310 191 

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