Leisurefest Beats Footy For 'unbelievable' Result

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13th October 2010, 01:58pm - Views: 1117

Melbourne Leisurefest. The Official Industry Show

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Record crowds turned up at Melbourne Leisurefest to

check out – and often to buy – the latest accessories and

camping gear, tow vehicles, boats, RVs and caravans.

13 October 2010


        MLF 1010

Leisurefest beats footy for ‘unbelievable’ result

An AFL grand final replay failed to dampen the

enthusiasm of visitors – and buyers – at this year’s

Melbourne Leisurefest, with a record-breaking

attendance at the event’s third year.

A slightly subdued Saturday afternoon paved the

way for a huge attendance on the Sunday which

Leisurefest chairman Ashley Farr described as


“More than 12,000 people came to Leisurefest on

the Sunday, and it was unbelievable to experience

such a vast number of strong buyers filling the

venue,” he said.

“By the time we closed the gates, we had more than 33,500 people this year, despite the grand final.

“That compares with last year’s figure of 32,401 – and it confirms our prediction that Leisurefest

would be the true indicator that economic recovery is well under way.

“Sunday’s 12,000-plus was particularly impressive – it was only eight years ago, when Leisurefest

was just caravans and camping without the boats and 4WDs, that 12,000 was a good result for a full

three days.”

Mr Farr said much of the success of Leisurefest could be attributed to strong growth in the number,

variety and size of exhibitors.



“We expanded the display site by more than 4,000 square metres this year, just to accommodate all

the exhibitors who wanted to be there – we had more than twice the total area of the Melbourne

Exhibition Centre,” he said.

“Next year we may well approach three times the size of the Exhibition Centre.

“Of course, the perfect weather was definitely in our favour, and we can’t really take credit for that

but at this time of year we can expect Melbourne will more than likely turn on the sunshine for us.

“It was a great show for our exhibitors, including several who are new to the industry, and we had

several tremendously successful new product launches, leading to strong sales and even stronger

follow-up enquiries for everything from towing accessories to fully equipped caravans.

“One thing that’s consistent with previous years is that people come along to buy, and not just

lower cost items but anything up to new tow vehicles, boats and vans – they really treat is as a great

big showroom where they can find everything they are likely to want.”

... ends

More information:

Ashley Farr

0425 771 199 or (03) 8696 5600

Media inquiries & images:

Greg Shoemark 

0412 316 928 or (03) 9898 5570



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