A Pampered Life - Naprogesic Launches Online Community For Women

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18th June 2008, 01:53pm - Views: 1434

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About Naprogesic

Naprogesic, a Bayer brand, is a non steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) which is specially designed to

treat the cause of period pain. It is lactose and gluten free and can be taken by most women. For more


17 June 2008

A Pampered Life – Naprogesic launches online community for women

With life getting busier and time pressures increasing every day, Naprogesic is giving women

the opportunity to take some well deserved time out for themselves with the launch of A

Pampered Life - the first Australian online branded community for women. 

The website provides an online space for women to share their stories, read and comment

about fashion, events, lifestyle, travel, family and health and enter competitions. By signing up

as members, users are able to contribute their own blog articles and upload images.

Natalie Acevski, Brand Manager at Bayer Australia, the company behind period pain

medication brand Naprogesic, says that A Pampered Life provides a daily destination for

women to read and comment about topics that are important to them and share their own

stories with others.

“Naprogesic believes all women deserve to be pampered. A Pampered Life gives women the

opportunity to learn and grow, have some fun and be part of a community of like-minded

women,” she said.

“The website focuses on a different theme every month to give women information and tips on

all aspects of pampering.

“Naprogesic’s belief is that pampering isn’t only about giving yourself a makeover and

experiencing a luxurious lifestyle – it’s about making time for yourself, caring for those people

who are closest to you and pampering the planet, as well as having some fun just being a

woman,” Natalie said. 

Registering with A Pampered Life is free - visit www.apamperedlife.com.au to join the A

Pampered Life community today.  


Media Contact

For more information please contact Candice Steffensen on 02 9281 1860 or 0416 472 625

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