Clash Of The Oscar-winning Women Producers!

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12th June 2008, 07:57pm - Views: 1302

People Women WIFTVic And Melbourne International Animation Festival 2 image


June 2008

Clash of the Oscar-winning women producers!

MIAF & WIFT present a program of women’s animation plus a

free Q&A forum with local and international women film-


International guest and mutli-Academy Award winner Marcy Page (Ryan, The Danish

Poet) will go head to head with home-grown Oscar winner Melanie Coombs (Harvey

Krumpet, Mary and Max) at an event which promises to be a highlight of this year’s

Melbourne International Animation Festival.

On Friday 20 June from 6.15pm at ACMI, MIAF will screen a program of recent animation

made by women, hand-picked by members of Women in Film and Television (Victoria)

from over 200 films by women from around the world.  WIFT is a Melbourne institution

(and part of a global network) whose volunteers work tirelessly to support and celebrate

the work of women in the screen based industries.

Highlights of the WIFT women’s animation screening include:

The funniest film of MIAF 2008 (Love Triangle, UK)

An animated documentary about young women graffiti artists in Sweden (Blue

Karma Tiger, Sweden) and

An hilarious reflection on women and ‘the change’ (Streetcar Named Perspire, USA).

The screening will be followed by a Forum and Q&A session in the Festival Bar.  Marcy

Page and Melanie Coombs will also be joined by Australian animator Annemarie

Szeleczky whose film ‘1956’ is a highlight of the WIFT program.  Together the women

will answer audience questions and screen clips of their recent work.


WIFT program of women’s animation followed by free Q&A

forum with local and international women film-makers


Friday 20 June 2008, from 6.15pm onwards


ACMI at Federation Square


Academy Award winning animation producers Marcy Page

(Canada), Melanie Coombs (Australia) and Melbourne

animator Annemarie Szeleczky


To celebrate the amazing work of women in animation

locally and globally

How much:

Screening - $14/$11, Q&A Forum - free


ACMI Box Office, 10am-6pm daily, Ph: 03 8663 2583 or

For more information, please contact Terri Dentry, WIFT(Vic) on 0414 896 385.

WIFT (Vic) aims to improve the status and representation of

women in screen-based industries and to facilitate the

exchange of information between members

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