media release
23 October 2009
EOWA calls for gender equality standards
In its submission to the review of the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace (EOWW)
Act (1999) and Agency, EOWA has made a series of recommendations to increase the pace of
cultural change in Australian workplaces to improve outcomes for women.
Despite many improvements in the lives of working women since the legislation was introduced,
Director Mairi Steele believes that progress has stalled and the approach to equal opportunity
that resulted from the 1998 review is no longer driving improvements.
One of the Agencys major concerns about the existing legislation is that about one third of
organisations covered by the Act are not meeting their responsibilities by reporting to
Government on what they are doing to improve equal opportunities for women at work. This is
wholly unacceptable and addressing it is one of the Agencys main priorities in this review she
We recommend that the focus of the Act and the Agency remain on women but that there
should be recognition that gender equality at work is about women and men. Until more men
access workplace flexibility, these arrangements will continue to be seen as solutions to the
problem of womens employment rather than a means of supporting employees in managing
their full range of responsibilities.
The Agency recommends that industry-based gender equality standards are developed to help
business progress from low or mediocre standards to better or best practice.
We want to help business dip into the too hard basket and address head-on the problems of
pay equity and womens development and advancement at work.
EOWAs recommendations include:
Renaming the legislation the Workplace Equality Act to recognise that the removal of
sex-based barriers to equal opportunity affects both women and men
Strengthened reporting requirements to ensure genuine workplace consultation takes
place between employers and employees
requirement that employers complete a Gender Equality Self-Audit against a series
of specified gender equality standards that are set in discussion with industry
A requirement for businesses to show progress over time
Introducing the facility to report online and a making the self audit report available to
employees and relevant unions
Phased in workplace audits for organisations that do not meet their reporting
obligations and where the Agency believes there is some misrepresentation
Making pay equity analysis and addressing of pay inequality compulsory
Media enquiries should be directed to;
Nicole Parsons 0412 505 854 or Rebecca Barnes 0411 482 738
For information about the review and to access the Agencys submission go to