The New Generation Of Mumpreneurs

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15th July 2008, 03:24pm - Views: 1302

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Nowadays, motherhood, far from converting a woman’s brain inexorably into pumpkin

purée and leaving her incapable of discussing anything beyond nappy contents, seems to

have the reverse effect. In fact, it is the spur she needs to dump her unfulfilling office job

and set up her own business. Until recently, many mumpreneur businesses have been

based on children and their needs. There is nothing that shows up a gap in the market

quicker than hunting in vain for something for your baby. However, there seems to have

been a break from the traditional trend, recent research shows the latest hot career for

Mumpreneurs is wedding planning

As shows such as ‘Bridezillas’

have raised the profile of wedding planners in Australia,

this has led to a rapid growth in the industry in the last couple of years.

The Australian

Academy of Wedding and Event Planning has seen a 250% increase in it’s enrolments so

far in 2008 compared to the same time period in 2007 and over 72% of these have been

Mum’s looking for an alternative to returning to work. Kylie Carlson, the Principal of the

Academy, says “The key drivers for these women are: flexible hours, an office at home, a

creative outlet and, oh yes, an excuse to buy the latest glossy bridal magazine. Wedding

planning offers all this and more.”

On becoming a wedding planner and combining it with motherhood, Kylie had this to

say: “I receive daily inquiries about how wedding planning can fit in with the lifestyle of

a mum and I’m very frank and honest about the roles we play. While television and the

media may have glamorized our industry, the real truth is - this is hard work!! However,

it works perfectly for those looking to mould their hours around their family, having said

that, this job is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. If you get your feelings

hurt easily, look at another profession. If you aren’t able to move at the speed of light and

multi-task at the same time, consider another job. To be a wedding planner you need the

patience of a saint, the skin of an alligator and the soul of an artist. All attributes

possessed my Mums the world over!

Top 5 tips if you want to be a successful wedding planner:


Take a training course


Get help setting up your business


Get connected and network with your suppliers


Attend regular seminars, workshops and conferences


Keep up to date with trends and do plenty of research

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