Withoutsurgery Gets Real About Cellulite

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5th June 2009, 11:00am - Views: 1302

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WithoutSurgery Gets Real About Cellulite

Friday, 5th June, 2009: WithoutSurgery.com.au, an online community for consumers interested in non

invasive cosmetic procedures, launches today, with cellulite solution Lipomassage by Endermologie® the

first non-invasive treatment championed by the site. WithoutSurgery is lead by Suzie Clifton and Natice

Fairburn, both beauty industry veterans who have said, enough is enough, time for Australian women to

get real about beauty treatments and cellulite in particular.

Natice Fairburn, General Manager, WithoutSurgery said, “Our Lipomassage by Endermologie® campaign

is unlike any other beauty advertising on the market, let alone the typical anti cellulite advertising that

uses glamorous models and airbrushed images. We wanted to explode the myths around cellulite and

cellulite treatments and show real women, with real cellulite a real, honest solution to a problem almost

every Australian woman faces.”

WithoutSurgery.com.au is an online community where visitors can get a deeper understanding of the

ways they can transform their life without cosmetic surgery, and share their experiences and opinions

with non-invasive cosmetic procedures. Lipomassage by Endermologie® is a scientifically proven

treatment that manipulates the connective tissue through “mechanotransduction”, resulting in slimming,

cellulite reduction and anti-ageing. 

“The media and society-at-large is constantly bombarding women with images of picture perfect bodies,

ageless faces and flawless appearances and they begin to believe that perfection is realistic and

achievable often airbrushed. At WithoutSurgery we support real, natural beauty, and want to reveal the

truth about cellulite treatments that work.” Natice continued.

WithoutSurgery is launching with a six week competition where three Australian women will be selected

as a Lipomassage Ambassador and win a “complete body transformation” prize package valued at almost

$15,000, including 12 months of Lipomassage treatments. 


For more information on Lipomassage by Endermologie®, the Lipomassage Ambassador Competition or

WithoutSurgery, please contact:

Melanie Vine | The Topia Project

email_ melanie@thetopiaproject.com

phone_02 8202 9000

About WithoutSurgery

WithoutSurgery® is an organisation that supports and champions non-invasive cosmetic surgery alternatives;

primarily Lipomassage by Endermologie®. Lipomassage by Endermologie® treatment is the only scientifically proven

non-invasive way to reduce cellulite. The treatment manipulates the connective tissue resulting in slimming, cellulite

reduction and anti-aging. The benefits go far beyond aesthetics to encompass your total physiological wellbeing. For

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