Entries Close Soon For Premier's Summer Reading Challenge
3rd February 2010 -
Views: 920
Reading Challenge Coordinator Kathryn Anthony said children and parents needed to drop their entries in to their local public library or post them to the Department of Education by the closing date to be eligible for the prize draw.
Anzsog Ceos Forum
2nd February 2010 -
Views: 1050
ANZSOG is dedicated to promoting outstanding public sector leadership and policy that really works for the benefit of the public.
Hult International Business School Concludes Inaugural Four-city Asian Lecture Tour On "the Next Glo
2nd February 2010 -
Views: 1095
Hult MBA Professors See Globalization as Continued Focus; Students and Professionals in Taipei, Tokyo, Seoul, and Beijing Gathered to Hear Seminars on Innovation and Strategy.
Einstruction Pioneers Interactive Technology To Increase Classroom Collaboration And Improve Student
2nd February 2010 -
Views: 955
Revolutionizing student learning and classroom interaction, eInstruction(TM), the premier global provider of learning technology, announces the availability of a combined system that will change the way students and teachers in Asia Pacific collaborate in the classroom.
Statement From The Victorian Registration And Qualifications Authority
1st February 2010 -
Views: 933
The VRQA was formally advised of the appointment of Ernst & Young as the Administrators of GEOS Melbourne Pty Ltd and eight other associated companies operating training colleges in Australia on 29 January 2010.