UMAT Preparation - Are You Following The Correct Strategies? 2nd March 2011 - Views: 5081 Would you appear for any sort of examination without taking the proper preparation? No test should be confronted without being completely equipped for it.
'kids: Contemporary Australia' Activities And Resources For Families And Teache 19th November 2008 - Views: 557 The exhibition at the Gallery of Modern Art offers a range of free activities, programs and resources for Queensland children, families and teachers.
Melbourne Poised For Knowledge Capital Status 1 11th August 2008 - Views: 766 In the wake of national and state reviews on higher education and innovation, The City of Melbourne is poised to realise its vision to become Australia’s Knowledge Capital, and one of the world’s leading university cities.
Nsw Premier's Council On International Education: Ieaa Responds 12th February 2010 - Views: 805 The International Education Association Australia (IEAA) welcomes the announcement by the NSW Government of the formation of a Premier's Council on International Education.
Vrqa Media Statement Geos Melbourne Pty Ltd 4th February 2010 - Views: 779 The VRQA was formally advised on 29 January 2010 of the appointment of Ernst & Young as the Administrators of GEOS Melbourne Pty Ltd and eight other associated companies operating training colleges in Australia.