Women Press Releases & Articles 61 - 65 of 93

Double Launch For Rmit Author starstarstarstarstar   24th November 2008 - Views: 1144 Double Launch For Rmit Author RMIT University academic, Associate Professor Adrian Howe, is launching not just one but two books next week.

Research Fine-tunes Interventions To Curb Intimate Partner Abuse starstarstarstarstar   21st November 2008 - Views: 1127 Ms Nancarrow will discuss details of her quantitative research conducted with Associate Professor Stewart Lockie and Dr Sanjay Sharma, during the next in CQUniversity's series of Research Unpl ugged sessions. The discussion-based presentation, free of charge, will be held from 6pm - 7pm on Thursday, November 27 , at Rockhampton's Ginger Mule Tapas Bar in William Street. Finger foods will be provided. The event is timely, falling during the same week as Tuesday's White Ribbon Day .

Expert Comment On Women Business Leaders starstarstarstarstar   28th October 2008 - Views: 1129 Expert Comment On Women Business Leaders – New research shows the number of women on corporate boards and in top management positions has fallen to 10 per cent in 2008, down from 12 per cent two years ago.

2008 Eowa Australian Census Of Women In Leadership - Women's Glacial Progress Melts Away starstarstarstarstar   28th October 2008 - Views: 1029 Women's glacial progress melts away The EOWA 2008 Australian Census of Women in Leadership released today reveals that the number of women on boards and in executive management positions has declined since 2006, and in some cases reverted to pre-2004 levels.

Equal Pay Day: Women Short Changed At June 30 starstarstarstarstar   26th August 2008 - Views: 1186 Equal Pay Day: Women Short Changed At June 30 To match the average wage a man earns in 12 months or the financial year working full time ordinary hours, a woman has to work an extra 54 days, or a total of 14 months to earn the same.

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