National Press Releases & Articles 21 - 25 of 184

New Aihw Report: Adoptions Australia 2008-09 starstarstarstarstar   5th February 2010 - Views: 960 New Aihw Report: Adoptions Australia 2008-09 Australians are most likely to adopt children from overseas while fewer Australian children are being adopted, according to a report released today by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW).

Australians Confess To $1 Billion Vices starstarstarstarstar   4th February 2010 - Views: 1246 Australians Confess To $1 Billion Vices Financial comparison website has thrown down the gauntlet and challenged Australians to put a price on their vices, courtesy of Mozo's Vice Calculator.

Wildfire Management Overlay Saved Houses During Black Saturday starstarstarstarstar   4th February 2010 - Views: 1073 Wildfire Management Overlay Saved Houses During Black Saturday The co-author of the study, Dr Alan March, says the planning overlay needs to be extended to a range of other bushfire risk areas where development is occurring without careful consideration of the associated risks.

Need Help With Bushfire Recovery? Funding Still Available. starstarstarstarstar   3rd February 2010 - Views: 878 A group of Victorian agencies responsible for managing the region's natural resources continue to work together to support people affected by the February 2009 bushfires, a year after the event.

Discussing Race Relations Via Art starstarstarstarstar   3rd February 2010 - Views: 965 Discussing Race Relations Via Art Out of Order is an exciting visual event that will provide an opportunity to have an ongoing discussion about race relations in Australia via art.

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