$1 Million Maintenance Upgrade For Appin Road Contiinues
21st January 2010 -
Views: 930
“Appin Road is a busy location and this major upgrade will lengthen the life of the road and provide safer conditions for all road users,” the spokesperson said.
Add Auto Safety To Your List Of Dos In 2010
21st January 2010 -
Views: 883
“If a vehicle is in good shape, well maintained and receives regular check-ups, then it
is likely to perform better, be more efficient and be safer.
Night Work On The F6 Freeway Figtree
20th January 2010 -
Views: 904
Repair work will be carried out on the on the road bridge from 8pm to 5am to minimise disruptions to traffic during the day.
Celebrations Galore This Australia Day At Motorfest
20th January 2010 -
Views: 922
NRMA Motorfest in the Sydney CBD will celebrate
its 25th anniversary during next week's Australia Day display of more than 1,000
vintage, veteran and classic vehicles which attracts over half a million visitors
Night Work On Bulli Pass 2
20th January 2010 -
Views: 885
Bulli Pass will be closed at night in both directions from Wednesday 27 January to Friday 29 January between 7.30pm and 8.00am, weather permitting.