New Polls Shows Young Women Lack Positive Role Models 13th November 2008 - Views: 1419 Other alarming news from the poll show that 35% of girls feel that they lack positive role models.
Law Firm And Theatre Company Win National Award 17th October 2008 - Views: 1617 Freehills funds Company B’s Youth Engagement Program. This is an arts education program for young people affected by homelessness, drug addiction or other social problems.
Expert Comment On Teen Courts 15th October 2008 - Views: 1350 The Victorian Government is considering establishing youth courts, where teenagers would hear cases and decide punishments for young people who have committed minor offences.
Expert Comment On "youth Crisis" 24th September 2008 - Views: 1375 Landmark research by the Australian Institute of Family Studies has shown one in five Australians in their mid-20s has a serious mental or physical health problem, with about 40 per cent showing severe signs of problems including depression, anxiety, anti-social behaviour or illegal drug-taking.
National Enrol To Vote Week Begins 27th August 2008 - Views: 2055 More than 1650 secondary schools are registered to participate in Enrol to Vote Week, which will run from 28 July to 3 August 2008.