Kidney Failure Higher In Australian Men 10th November 2009 - Views: 1321 Australian men are being accepted onto dialysis programs at a rate 154% higher than women according to data released today by Kidney Health Australia. In Australia in 2008, 1503 men and 973 women started dialysis.
Lost And Found: The 1939 'black Friday' Bushfires Royal Commission Evidence 9th November 2009 - Views: 1380 Until the fires of February this year, the 1939 bushfires were the worst in Victoria’s history.
Don't Waste Australia: Historic Opportunity For National Waste Plan 4th November 2009 - Views: 1229 At the top of the problem list is the urgent need for a national refund scheme for drink cans and bottles, Mr Kiernan said.
Rates Rise: Salvos Urge Caution This Christmas 4th November 2009 - Views: 1319 “There’s a real risk that people will overspend at Christmas, hoping that things are improving, then find themselves in trouble early next year when the reality of the economic situation and rate rise kicks in.
Pending National 'apology' To British Child Migrants Based On Wrong Information! 29th October 2009 - Views: 1183 The Bush Orphanage describes in graphic detail , rare , or believed lost documented evidence of serious wrongdoing, lawbreaking, and unprincipled behaviour by British and Australian authorities in their quest to steal children from Britain.