Statistics Press Releases & Articles 6 - 10 of 61

Master Builders Australia - Approvals Recovery On Track starstarstarstarstar   4th February 2010 - Views: 1219 Master Builders Australia - Approvals Recovery On Track The total number of dwelling units approved, seasonally adjusted, rose by 2.2 per cent to 14,869 in December, to be up by 53.3 per cent on the same month in the previous year.

Abs Retail Sales Down 0.7% In December 2009 starstarstarstarstar   4th February 2010 - Views: 1192 Abs Retail Sales Down 0.7% In December 2009 Sales fell, in seasonally adjusted terms, across four retail industry groups: Department Stores (- 3.5%), Clothing, Footwear & Other Personal Accessory Retailing (-1.9%), Food Retailing (-1.3%) and Household Goods Retailing (-0.3%).

Seven In Ten Adults Have Insufficient Problem-solving Skills: Abs starstarstarstarstar   28th January 2010 - Views: 1147 Seven In Ten Adults Have Insufficient Problem-solving Skills: Abs For prose, document, numeracy and health, approximately half of Western Australian adults (15-74 years old) assessed were found to be below the minimum literacy requirement deemed necessary to function effectively in a complex society.

Australians Are Using Less Water But More Energy: Abs starstarstarstarstar   28th January 2010 - Views: 1229 Australians Are Using Less Water But More Energy: Abs This edition highlights that water use by agriculture has fallen by almost half in two years, with the biggest reductions occurring in New South Wales and Victoria, while the proportion of households using water saving devices has doubled between 1994 and 2007.

Wine Production Down: Abs starstarstarstarstar   28th January 2010 - Views: 1275 Wine Production Down: Abs The total grape crush for 2008-09 was 1.7 million tonnes, down by 5.4% on the previous year; the area of grape vines fell by 157,000 hectares and the yield dropped to 10.7 tonnes per hectare.

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