Afl Final Eight - 72 Quadrillion Possibilities?
17th July 2008 -
Views: 1391
Dr Anthony Bedford, Head of RMIT’s Sports Statistics Research Group, said the number crunching showed Geelong, Hawthorn and Western Bulldogs were guaranteed their spots in the finals.
Abs Cpi March Quarter 2010 Up 0.9%
28th April 2010 -
Views: 1917
The ABS Consumer Price Index rose 0.9% in the March quarter 2010, compared with a rise of
0.5% in the December quarter 2009.
Retail Trade Up 0.3% In September 2010
4th November 2010 -
Views: 4376
The largest rise in September 2010 was recorded in clothing, footwear and personal accessory retailing (2.5%), followed by other retailing (0.5%), household goods retailing (0.2%) and food Retailing (0.1%).
Fertility Rates Decline In 2009
3rd November 2010 -
Views: 4554
In 2009, Australia's total fertility rate was 1.90 babies per woman, a small decrease from 1.96 babies per
woman in 2008 and 1.92 babies per woman in 2007. Fertility rates for all states and territories decreased in 2009, except for Queensland.
Abs Cpi September Quarter 2010 Up 0.7%
27th October 2010 -
Views: 1943
The most significant price rises this quarter were for tobacco (+7.0%), water and sewerage (+12.8%), electricity (+6.0%), property rates and charges (+6.2%) and rents (+1.1%).