Mandatory Sentencing
28th October 2010 -
Views: 1959
The Bar Association of Queensland has become aware, through media reports, that the State government is contemplating amending the criminal law so as to provide for the fixing of standard non-parole periods for serious crimes.
Boxer To Make Statement Over Alleged Racist Comments By Ais Official
27th October 2010 -
Views: 1315
Maurice Blackburn Lawyers is representing a Melbourne-born World Series boxer Trent Rawlins in his dispute with the Australian Sports Commission over racially offensive comments made in 2009 by an Australian Institute of Sport coach.
Lawyers Back Courts Complaints Method
26th October 2010 -
Views: 1380
The Law Institute of Victoria and the Victorian Bar stand behind the state’s courts, which were criticized over their system for complaints about their judges in today’s media which drew on dated material.
Launch Of Guide To Flexible Work Arrangements
25th October 2010 -
Views: 1416
This guide will provide assistance in implementing arrangements that work for
all those involved; the lawyer, the partner and the firm.
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Opens Hong Kong Office
25th October 2010 -
Views: 1489
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, the premier provider of legal services to technology, life sciences, and growth enterprises worldwide, is pleased to announce that it has opened an office in Hong Kong.