Update To Closures On The Monash Tonight
1st December 2009 -
Views: 856
Outbound one lane will operate overnight east of Yarra Boulevard to Burke Road between 9pm tonight until 6am tomorrow morning.
More Closures On Monash Tonight
1st December 2009 -
Views: 929
The freeway from Warrigal Road to Burke Road will be closed to one lane inbound and fully closed between Burke Road and Toorak Road from 8pm tonight until 5am.
State-of-the-art Message Signs
30th November 2009 -
Views: 883
RTA Director of Operations and Engineering Services Mike Veysey said the project involved installing a total of 87 signs on the bridge and its approaches which will be used to better manage events on the bridge such as maintenance work or traffic incidents.
More Education For Heavy Vehicle Driversnewell Highway Riverina
30th November 2009 -
Views: 899
The RTA will visit truck rest stops along the Newell Highway as part of a public education
campaign to increase the profile of heavy vehicle enforcement activities.
Newell Ta
30th November 2009 -
Views: 909
The maximum speed limit is being reduced from 110 km/h to 100 km/h for safety reasons.