Hank St
23rd November 2009 -
Views: 952
An RTA spokesperson said $500,000 had been provided by the Federal Government under the Nation Building Program to improve safety and traffic flow at this intersection.
Bobbin Head Road Upgrade
23rd November 2009 -
Views: 932
An RTA spokesperson said the RTA would carry out $200,000 of improvements and the Council would complete $300,000 for work to this intersection.
Contra-flow Exercise This Weekend
21st November 2009 -
Views: 934
The aim of the exercise is to train RTA and NSW police to implement a contra-flow plan to divert traffic around major crash scenes and other incidents involving full road closures.
Newell Highway Taskforce Meeting
20th November 2009 -
Views: 936
“The meeting was very productive and it was great to have an opportunity to present the research and investigations behind this decision,” Dr Job said.
Major Works On The West Gate Freeway This Weekend As Part Of M1 Upgrade
20th November 2009 -
Views: 883
There will be daytime delays on Saturday and Sunday on the West Gate Freeway heading eastbound (citybound) between the Bolte Bridge and CityLink tunnels due to lane closures which commence tonight (20 November) at 8pm and run until 5am Monday morning (23 November.