Vacc Calls For Year-round Assessment Of Vehicle Safety
19th November 2009 -
Views: 901
During the recent Safe Work Australia Week, employers and employees were encouraged to review their approach to ensuring safety within the workplace.
Morpeth Bridge 1
19th November 2009 -
Views: 931
“One detour is available via Maitland using the Belmore Bridge over the Hunter River at Maitland, and then Dunmore Bridge over the Paterson River at Woodville,” the spokesperson said.
M5 Study Is Sound - But Delivery Is Critical
18th November 2009 -
Views: 899
"Today's plan for the M5 Corridor is a welcome step forward, but what is needed is transparency about how this and other projects will be financed and delivered," said IPA Executive Director, Brendan Lyon.
$40m For Jobs And Cycle Paths Is A Healthy Outcome For All
18th November 2009 -
Views: 1147
The Heart Foundation and Bicycle Queensland applaud the Member for Oxley Bernie Ripoll for his stance on the benefits that increasing participation in cycling will bring. Mr Ripoll put forward a motion in the Federal House of Representatives supporting the benefits of getting more Australians active on two wheels.
Resurfacing Work On The Oxley Highway Near Gingers Creek
17th November 2009 -
Views: 938
Motorists are advised there will be delays of up to 15 minutes while resurfacing work is carried out on the Oxley Highway near Gingers Creek, about 80 kilometres west of Wauchope.