Transport Press Releases & Articles 216 - 220 of 466

Public Transport To Stakes Day starstarstarstarstar   6th November 2009 - Views: 927 A train, tram or bus is the best way to get to and from Stakes Day at Flemington Racecourse. Special trains and trams will run on Saturday 7 November for patrons heading to the track.

Major Works On The M1 Freeway This Weekend 2 starstarstarstarstar   5th November 2009 - Views: 902 Major Works On The M1 Freeway This Weekend 2 Project Director for the M1 upgrade, John Cunningham, said major delays were expected on the West Gate Freeway heading eastbound between West Gate Bridge and the CityLink Tunnels this weekend from 8pm Friday 6 November to 5am Monday 9 November 2009.

Newell Speed Limit starstarstarstarstar   5th November 2009 - Views: 946 Newell Speed Limit “Earlier this year, the RTA carried out a review of safety issues on the Newell Highway and as a result of that review, the New South Wales Government will spend $30 million in the next three years on a safety program for the Newell.

Media Alert 9 starstarstarstarstar   5th November 2009 - Views: 923 Media Alert 9 The 4th annual VACC ‘Safe Routes’ Scooter Rally. One of the most colourful events on the Melbourne calendar with, among others, Vespas and Lambrettas, plus trademark accessories eg multiple mirrors, lights and badges.

Australia Failing To Meet Targets For The Decade starstarstarstarstar   5th November 2009 - Views: 964 Australia Failing To Meet Targets For The Decade “Australia is failing to reduce deaths and injury targets, despite setting what was seen as a reasonable objective a decade ago”; said Lauchlan McIntosh the President of the Australasian College of Road Safety at the opening of the College’s Annual Conference held in Perth today.

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