Education Cuts May Leave Disadvantaged Students In Catholic Schools Vulnerable
19th August 2010 -
Views: 1221
The Chair of the National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC), Therese Temby, today expressed concern at the proposal of the Coalition to cut $330 million from disadvantaged Catholic schools across Australia.
Coalition Cuts To Training Will Hurt Skills Development
19th August 2010 -
Views: 1244
The three peak bodies, Group Training Australia (GTA), the National Employment Services
Association (NESA), and TAFE Directors Australia (TDA), called for urgent clarification of the
foreshadowed spending cuts.
Aussie Students To Take The Ultimate Maths Challenge With The Human Calculator
19th August 2010 -
Views: 1720
Guinness Book World Record Holder Scott Flansburg, aka The Human Calculator,
and Australia’s own 14 year old World Maths Day Champion will come together to encourage
students as they compete in the Commonwealth Bank Australian Maths Challenge.
Partners 4 Learning: A New Relationship Resource For Schools, Parents
17th August 2010 -
Views: 1191
A brand-new relationship-building portal – designed to strengthen bonds between Catholic schools and their parent communities – is about to go live, the Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT (CCSP) has announced.
Apprentice Incentive Payment A Boost To Skills Investment
13th August 2010 -
Views: 1204
Group Training Australia (GTA), representing the single largest network employing apprentices and trainees, today welcomed the Government’s plan to boost the Trades Apprentice Income Bonus as a means of raising the number of apprentices completing their training.