Professor Glyn Davis Announced As 2010 Boyer Lecturer
18th June 2010 -
Views: 1169
A resulting decline in U.S. Treasury yields has helped bring
mortgage rates to historic lows and opened a window for mortgage refinancing
activity, however rates will need to move closer to 4.5 percent in order to sustain
the recent surge.
International Science & Maths Olympiad Student Teams Named
28th May 2010 -
Views: 1300
Professor Penny Sackett, Chief Scientist for Australia, will present the teams with their blazers at a special ceremony in Parliament House, Canberra.
Grattan Institute - Australian Teacher Evaluation Is A "fail"
24th May 2010 -
Views: 1302
"Australian teachers get less constructive evaluation of their performance than those in poor performing countries such as Bulgaria, Turkey and Brazil," Dr Ben Jensen said on the release of the second Grattan Institute Education Report entitled "What teachers want: better teacher management".
Media Release: Ahn Highly Commended In Latest Senate Inquiry
18th May 2010 -
Views: 1260
The Inquiry also ran in conjunction with an Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) legislation review released in February.
Universities Australia Consortium Chooses Web Of Science(sm) By Thomson Reuters For Education And Re
17th May 2010 -
Views: 1192
The Universities Australia consortium has chosen to renew Web of Science(SM) from Thomson Reuters for its members' education and research needs through 2013.