Surprise Award To June Dally Watkins
8th November 2010 -
Views: 2316
On Thursday 11 th November, Mr Alan Jones will be making a presentation to June Dally Watkins in recognition of her Lifelong dedication to educating young Australians.
Early Advice On Students With Disabilities Applause For The Gillard Government
6th November 2010 -
Views: 1199
The announcement by Minister Peter Garrett today is a huge step forward in valuing the learning of Students with Disabilities and Special Needs, the schools they attend, their teachers and their families.
Students Volunteer To Help Billy Puff Along
3rd November 2010 -
Views: 1365
On Thursday 4 November, a group of five Holmesglen second year Bricklaying students will be working with their teachers to voluntarily repair heritage brickwork on the turntable of the Puffing Billing track at Emerald.
Lessons From The Pakistan Floods
3rd November 2010 -
Views: 1353
Her Excellency, Fauzia Nasreen, High Commissioner of Pakistan, will speak at an
RMIT University symposium tomorrow (Thursday) on lessons to be learned from
disaster-related projects.
Multinational Firms From And In The Asia-pacific
3rd November 2010 -
Views: 1268
This symposium provides an important platform for participants to discuss and debate these issues with an objective of maintaining sustainable growth for firms and long-term development for nations.