Two Districts On Watch For Code Red Conditions
20th January 2010 -
Views: 873
State Controller Russell Rees said weather conditions across the state were being closely monitored as Bureau of Meteorology forecasting indicated conditions could also reach Extreme in the North East district.
Latest Research On Lack Of Passion In Australian Business
25th June 2008 -
Views: 886
“Passionate workers are the lifeblood of a successful business” states Charles Kovess, a global expert on passion, and one of Australia’s leading motivational speakers and business educators, “but most leaders and managers are clearly wasting, indeed destroying, this powerful resource! Whilst most workers start their new jobs with lots of passion, the research shows this passion steadily reduces if it is not rejuvenated and nourished.
Regulator Asks Young Sa Workers - Are You Missing Out?
12th February 2010 -
Views: 874
Fair Work inspectors will visit students at University of Adelaide and Flinders University as a part of O-Week activities to answer young workers’ questions and provide information about their workplace rights and responsibilities.
Regulator Asks Young Tas Workers - Are You Missing Out?
12th February 2010 -
Views: 894
Fair Work inspectors will visit students at Tasmania University as a part of O- Week activities to answer young workers’ questions and provide information about their workplace rights and responsibilities.
Migration Reforms To Deliver Australia's Skills Needs
8th February 2010 -
Views: 795
"But there are some occupations where there will be high demand for skills. Hospitals can't go without nurses, country towns can't do without a local GP and the resources sector increasingly needs skills.