Legal Press Releases & Articles 11 - 15 of 126

Middletons Acts For Harbert Australian Private Equity In Aesop Cosmetics Deal starstarstarstarstar   28th January 2010 - Views: 1252 Middletons Acts For Harbert Australian Private Equity In Aesop Cosmetics Deal Globally Harbert has grown considerably over the past few years with committed capital and assets under management growing from $1.5 billion in 2002 to approximately $2.6 billion as of November 1, 2009.

Law Council Welcomes E-conveyancing Initiative starstarstarstarstar   21st January 2010 - Views: 985 Law Council Welcomes E-conveyancing Initiative The Law Council says the announcement of a new electronic conveyancing initiative by three Australian states is a major milestone in the road to a national system and will benefit lawyers and their clients across the country.

Victorians Urged To Keep Wills Updated To Avoid Estate Conflicts starstarstarstarstar   20th January 2010 - Views: 1034 Victorians Urged To Keep Wills Updated To Avoid Estate Conflicts State Trustees is urging Victorians to take full consideration of their personal circumstances when writing their Will to ensure it addresses potential challenges that may arise through estrangement.

Middletons And Sydney Writers' Festival Announce Partnership starstarstarstarstar   20th January 2010 - Views: 1110 Middletons And Sydney Writers' Festival Announce Partnership "At Middletons we place a great deal of importance on 'straight talking' in all forms of communication, but particularly in written advices for our clients.

New Jury Protection Law Welcomed starstarstarstarstar   15th January 2010 - Views: 1096 New Jury Protection Law Welcomed “For too long, people have been unenthusiastic about jury duty because of the risks it posed to their incomes and job security.

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