West Gate Freeway Closure On Saturday And Sunday Nights
13th October 2010 -
Views: 1209
Following the successful first ever closure of the West Gate Bridge last night, the
West Gate Freeway will be completely closed to traffic in each direction on the nights
of Saturday 16 October and Sunday 17 October 2010.
Big End Of Town Gets Behind Cycling
13th October 2010 -
Views: 1261
Some of Australia's largest corporations are supporting Sydney's cycling boom by providing employees with endof-trip facilities, Lord Mayor Clover Moore MP said today on National Ride to Work Day.
Bridge To Bridge - Sydney Gets Its First Complete Cycleway Route
13th October 2010 -
Views: 1193
Bike riders coming fromm the Inner West or the North Shore to the CBD can now enjoy a safer journey with the opening of City of Sydney's first completed cycleway route.
League Legend Visits Blacktown For The Rta Slow Down Road Show
12th October 2010 -
Views: 1411
As part of the RSL Blacktown Farmers Market, NRL legend Hazem El Masri and the
RTA Slow Down Road Show will be visiting the fresh produce markets on Saturday
16 October.
Changed Traffic Conditions On Spirit Of Progress Bridge At Albury 1
12th October 2010 -
Views: 1193
Recent inspections identified the bridge’s expansion joints, which enable the bridge to expand and contract when the temperature changes, have deteriorated and must be replaced.